Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Will summer never come?

After depositing my child safely in the arms of our local public Edifice of Schoolmentary, I return home, make a cup of sacred up-and-at-em [coffee], and begin my morning scroll through the blogosphere, part of my job, as a writer.

Today, however, TheBigE is home sick and instead of slaving over the homework packet the school so thoughtfully bundled up for us, I'm letting him play his GameCube. Hah.

He just ran in here for a little technical support:

TheBigE: "Mom, could you go on and look me up some cheat codes for Lego Star Wars?"

Mom: "Sure, honey." types '' into the browser address window.

TheBigE: "Ummmm, Mom? I think you need that www in there, at the front."

Mom: "It's ok honey, the browser adds that automatically."

TheBigE: Totally unconvinced, "Then why isn't it coming up?"

Mom: "Well, broadband is fast but it's not instant."

TheBigE: "Unhuh." waiting suspiciously.

Mom: "See, look, now it's up!" prints out cheat codes and hands them off to wildly jumping offspring.

So now that I've taught him to blow off schoolwork for videogames and that cheating is ok, he's running back and forth from his room to my office, giving a blow-by-blow account of the ineffable coolness of the codes.

Does that count as P.E.?

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